Hello Readers,

Prasat Hin Phanom Rung (Phanom Rung Stone Castle) is a Khmer temple complex set on the rim of an extinct volcano at 1,320 feet above sea level. Prasaat Phanom Rung is one of the most significant Khmer monuments in Thailand. It was built in the 10th-13th century A.D. Phanom Rung was a Hindu Saivite (Shiva) monastery. Sculptures also present images of Vishnu. A processional way leads through Naga bridges to the main sanctuary. Lintels, pediments depict the Hindu Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, with also scenes of the Ramayana. The most famous lintel (Vishnu Anantasayin) depicts Vishnu reclining on the back of the Naga King Ananta. This lintel disappeared for many years outside the country, but was recently returned.
The setting of Phanom Rung is quite scenic, with views of the countryside all around. The site is probably the most visited Khmer monument in Thailand.
Thailand'sDepartment of Fine Arts spent 17 years restoringthe complex to its original state from 1971until 1988. The park was opened by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. In 2005, the temple was submitted to UNESCOfor consideration as a future world heritage site.
Sometimes we can only dream about this view in life.. Most the time we can even see this in TV...So i will strongly plan to come over and see visual..