Saturday, February 26, 2011

Floating Markets in Thailand

Hello Readers,

For the new blog here, I would like to give you some interesting activity that I believe you have never seen anywhere else such as "Floating Marget" in Thailand. There are many spot to visit and sightseeing another Thai lifestyle at Amphawa Floating Market, Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Bang Khu Wiang Floating Market, Taling Chan Floating Market, Tha Kha Floating Market , ect.
              As many important rivers flow through the center of Thailand and to the sea, they have affected central Thai lifestyle since long before recorded history. Previously, many central-Thai people built their communities by the rivers because they needed to use water in their daily life. The rivers are also a means of transportation. The waterways systems, an interconnected series of inland rivers and canals, have been harnessed since the beginning of Thailand’s history by the use of boats as the primary mode of transportation.
     Nowadays, we can see and appreciate the remaining essence of old traditional Thai Lifestyle at the canal floating markets. The development of the country’s landscape was defined as olden villages sprung up along the banks of these rivers and canals and the practice of “bringing the market” to the villagers instead of the other way around was practiced. Boats, of many varied sizes and shapes, supplied vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, poultry, flowers and other household items to the water’s edge communities. Many depended on the inland waterways for their very existence. Progress brought about the paving of roads with it, an increased demand and supply of other land based transportation methods. The floating markets of Thailand never really “died” during this transformation period, but rather evolved into something that today is a mix of necessity for the few, but a tourist opportunity for the many experiences.
There are still communities who depend upon the tradition of buying and selling by boats. The boat trading might have changed in some ways but the intent is basically the same.
              Currently, the floating markets of Thailand are one of the more popular tourist attractions of the country. There are many floating market districts in central Thailand, with each district presented in its own quaint way. Visitors can also catch a boat and, just like in the past, visit a floating market place and experience the traditional Thai Lifestyle
If you are not in a boat, you can walk along the wooden bridge on the waterside and enjoy picking through many different goods.  There is luscious local food such as rice noodle with curry, Thai desserts and sweets, grilled fresh seafood, and many other delicacies. There are also a variety of hand-made souvenirs that are popular with the tourists who visit here. When the day is done and the night has fallen, one of the popular activities for tourists is firefly watching from a boat. The little lights twinkle in the cool clear night air especially during the time of the waning moon during the rainy season.
              Floating Market, giving you the sense of traditional Thai villagers living close to the rim of river.  It is a wonderful experience for anyone looking for a sense of traditional Thai lifestyle as well know.

1 comment:

  1. This remind me a Venice which is amazing how people live their life and how they survive this type of economy.
