Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Thai Sweets" Wow!! Delicious!!

Hello Readers,

       Today, I enjoy introducing to all of you to know about Thai cuisine. Thailand is a paradise for food:  The ultimate destination for enthusiast of fine cuisine.  Thai people center much of their social activities on eating places and the enjoyment of eating; over centuries this social behavior has resulted in the evolution of Thai cuisineand elevated Thai culinary status to worldwide renown. Thai desserts are well known for their taste sensations that are as impressive as our appearance, and unique. The art of Thai desserts have been passed down through the generations.  Some of today’s Thai desserts are on record as far back as the Sukhothai period, almost 800 years ago.
       Their appealing looks reflect the nature of the Thais who are neat and meticulous. Desserts have been among the favorites of the Thais for hundreds of years. Several kinds of them were mentioned in valuable works of Thai literature. Thai desserts are also delicious, colorful and multifarious. They are pleasing to the eye as well as the palate. Most Thai sweets are made from five simple ingredients such as coconut cream, coconut flesh, rice flour, palm sugar and eggs. Thai desserts may also contain any number of other fresh ingredients including palm sugar, rice flours, lotus seeds, cassava roots, various fresh fruits, and other ingredients.
        Coloring for Thai sweets can be wistfully obtained from flowers, plants and other ingredients: red from rose, purple/blue from Blue Pea blossoms, yellow/orange from yolk and green from Pandanus leaves. Not only do Thai desserts have vibrant variety of colors but also do they have sweet fragrances, which are acquired from aromatic flowers.
        Despite these simple components, Thai desserts can require sophisticated skills, requiring time and care in their preparation. These three ingredients are carefully mixed and prepared using time honored methods to create tantalizing treats.
        Finally, I would like to show you. There are three very popular Thai sweets. Also, I really love them. Hopefully, all of you will try them soon!!!

      Kao Niaw Ma-Muang (Sweet Sticky Rice with Ripe Mango and Coconut Cream). This tantalizing dessert deserves the king of Thai sweets – Sweet Sticky Rice with Mango never fails to delight the taste buds. Kao Niaw Ma-Muang is prepared by steaming Thai glutinous rice in rich coconut milk and syrup. The resulting sweet and creamy sticky rice is eaten with two certain types of tropical fruits; mango and durian. Since durian flavor is often not appreciated by many foreigners.  Mango with its exotic sweet and slightly sour flavor makes an excellent compliment to the creamy and rich sweet rice. To top it off, a thick and rich coconut cream sauce with mildly salty flavor is poured on the rice and mango to add more complexity to the flavor. Sometimes it is eaten with crispy cereal or sesame seeds as toppings.

   Look Choob (Green Bean Miniature Fruit).  Look Choob looks just like marzipan but it is made of steamed green beans, coconut milk and sugar – instead of almond flour and sugar. The green bean paste is molded into a shape of a variety of tropical fruits and then is dip-coated in jelly that gives it a shiny look. These Look Choob mini-fruits have very tantalizing colors and sugary flavor.

  Tub Tim Grob (Crunchy Mock Pomegranate in Iced Coconut Syrup or Red Rubies). Though these pinkish-red seeds look like those of pomegranate (Tub Tim has two meanings in Thai; pomegranate and ruby), they are actually made of water chestnut chopped into cubes and glazed with flour. The way jasmine-scented syrup blends with mildly sweet and salty coconut milk gives this dish a delicious taste that will linger on your taste buds. Some people also add jack fruit to give Tub Tim Grob a wider mix of colors and fragrances. ‘Red Rubies’ is always served cold and topped with crushed ice. 

1 comment:

  1. This type off food is a the best food in the market so far.. because nobody can get that fresh and healthy stuff in these days everything is pretty ow full. I wonder how much coast the groceries a week in your country?
